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By now everyone knows about those terrible murders in Moncton, New Brunswick, of the 3 RCMP officers. They were shot down by a twisted twerp loner who hated authority, loved guns and lived miserably in a nearby trailer park. It was a terrible and tragic event and an almost unbelievable waste of noble lives.

However I would sadly like to draw attention to the black eye the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation gave themselves due to its dreadful coverage that day and night from Moncton.

Like all these things after the initial shock of the killings and the reporting thereof , there is very little to say until the following day because the police are trying to find the fiend that did it.

Instead of the CBC admitting there was nothing further to say about it and would get back to us when there was and please stay tuned etc., they kept cutting from a stoney faced Mark someone with a “Breaking News” subtitle  running behind his head, to a Tiffany someone at the now cold scene,  and shouting at policemen and passersby hour after hour:

“How do you feel?”

What do you expect them to say? Perhaps:

“I miss the Bingo.” or “I dunno.”

But would they give up with that, never.

Back they went from the fearful Mark to an obviously trembling with emotion RCMP officer:

“Ask him how he is able to carry on?” the news commentator demanded of the reporter.

I mean does the poor man not have enough on his mind trying to coordinate the search, deal with the crazed media and serve the community without nutty Mark back in the cozy studio, shouting at him during a terrible time. They proceeded to play music over the headlines.

Then we learned from one of the reporters that the police were asking everyone to stay off social media to not let the hiding creep “alleged” murderer, see what was going on. The CBC immediately provided an in depth map to show where the search was being carried out, exactly what the rest of the world had just been asked NOT to. It was a new low point for even this besmirched broadcaster.


To officers Larche, Gevaudan and Ross we owe you a great deal and honour you for your bravery and dedication. You were the best of  what Canada could be. R.I.P.