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I don’t know about you but I am really enjoying the FIFA football from Brazil. How wonderful it is to watch each day. Every country involved on the edge of their collective seats, wondering if this could be the year for immortality as the winner of the World Cup.

I know , I know, the diving is terrible but very acrobatic, creative and almost beautiful in its own way, but diving all the same. Nevertheless I cannot stop watching this wonderful experience.

While Canada never qualifies, our cities break apart into small ghettoes representing Greece, Italy, Australia, Chile and the rest, all fervently cheering for their  home teams. It is lovely, albeit “War on a field”.

There are no refugees, nor rapes, nor deaths resulting from this war, just frustration amongst most with only one country to claim victory, who may be so small and weak that they might not even own a aircraft carrier. Yet they are the winners throughout the world

In this war there are no Mullahs nor terrorists shaking their fingers at us, no roadside beheadings posted on U-Tube, there are no repressed suicide bombers bound for a promised virginal paradise, nor dead-eyed children trudging behind their panicked parents away from the killing ground. Just soccer-mad fans waving their flags.

The sight of those fans keeps me sane in this world of ours, at least for today.