#Ravings #TeachersStrike#ChristopherDalton #September4th 2014

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What would you do if you were the government of BC in the midst of the present Teachers Strike? Many parents at this point would say “Pay up and settle the damn thing”.

This is where the “two working spouse” pattern begins to bite a bit. Of course years ago when typically only the husband worked, the strike would have been inconvenient, but it would not be crushing as it is today. Sadly when I was a boy, strikes of this kind were almost unimaginable, as teaching was a calling not a union job. We had to go to school and learn by rote,  and now I am glad we did.

In this case I am afraid the teachers have over-reached and now have no way back, without losing face on a massive scale. They have also elected as their president perhaps the biggest PR blunder of all time. A mullet wearing wispy man who whines his way through press conferences which end in dead silence if there are not a few of his vice-presidents there to give a weak cheer. He is a disaster. I am sorry but in this world of media scrums, close-ups and personal attention, one cannot look like an out of work porn star from the 80’s.

It does not help that they (teachers) are asking for much more than any other public union. And it really does not help their cause when one of the benefits tucked away in their hapless package is “unlimited massages”. Who gets that anywhere else? Or would have the nerve to ask?

After so many examples of teachers (the bad ones) gaming the system with Employment Insurance scams, endless sick leave and pregnancy employment (where a supply teacher will deny she is pregnant, take the job, announce she is NOW pregnant, become a permanent teacher automatically with full benefits and may never have to teach again. One class had four different teachers in one year due to this loophole) etc, sympathy for them may be time-sensitive, not to say rare and becoming rarer.

The Premier should close the loop holes and bring in meritocracy. Then get the kids back to school.

Don’t we all hate the term “The bargaining table” by now?

Please settle intelligently, and stop using the students as unwitting stooges while you are at it.


#SundayColumn #NGOs #Humour #MajorsCorner #ClubLife August 31st 2014


#SundayColumn #Humour #WheelOfLife#CruelNature #MajorsCorner Sept7 2014


  1. Scandy

    Well said!! Cheers

  2. what he said, right on, major.

  3. Mary Kahn

    As is almost always the case with unions and management, the truth lies somewhere between exploitation on the one side and exploitation on the other side.

  4. Betsy

    Go for it Major. You are right on!

  5. Nicholas Dibley

    I hope and pray you were joking about the massages!

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