I keep running into chaps who want a bridge across to the mainland and want it soon. Is that a good idea? It comes under the heading of “Great Projects,” I think, like the Welland Canal, the immense Churchill dam and of course our continental railroad. From my point of view I cannot see how we can move forward with anything, as no doubt mass marches will take place at the first hint of construction.
Author: Major Nigel (Page 32 of 39)
For years I have been receiving juice glasses that have the initials F.U. engraved on each one. I have wondered, and not quietly, why someone would go to all that trouble just to swear at me.
The club is roiling today, with sights of mems rubbing their temples in angst. The reason for all this? There have been reports of some hooligan(s) relieving the club’s wine cellar of more than a few of its bottles.
More rumours from the back rooms of the club… Marmalade could be cut from the menu as the Jam crowd is pushing for elimination of anything but J.
He looked at me with benign contempt whilst I sent a withering laser of disdain across his bow in return. This in my own club! It was too much. The foregoing had come about because of a breach of club rules by a new mem called Mr. Trestle-Tram that proved once and for all that the membership committee was asleep at the switch